As long time subscribers and supporters know, we’ve been reluctant to change the look of Brasscheck TV.

Three reasons:

1. We lack the technical skills
2. We lack the graphic design skills
3. We’d rather spend our overstretched financial and time budget on other things

However, a long term subscriber  – who chooses to remain nameless – recently gifted us with a complete makeover of the site.

It goes LIVE tomorrow.

Not only did she do the design and all the work to migrate the site, she undertook the very difficult job of convincing me to ‘pull the trigger’ and do it.

I went with it for two reasons:

1. It will be much more economical to maintain and enhance the site now.

(Our once-pioneering and now woefully outdated ‘home made’ code costs us $100+ an hour every time we need to fix or change a function. That expense will now be eliminated. Yay!)

2. The new site LOOKS better and gives the stories we cover the visual dignity they deserve.

The value of this contribution?

If we’d had to go to the open market to have this done – the design, the testing, the migrating of the data – somewhere between $5,000 and $10,000 (more if you give value to the excellent way she handled it.)

I hope this act of extreme generosity by this long-time subscriber encourages others to pitch it.

Brasscheck – now in it’s 20th year – is fueled by hundreds of hours every year of donated labor, but we do have hard monthly costs: web hosting, email service, tech support and production help.

If you believe in what we’re doing – news about topics the mainstream media ignores or flat out lies about – we can always use the support of paid subscribers.

Thanks for your support in all the forms it takes and best wishes to you in all your projects.

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