Normalizing the idea of presidential assassination
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The week before Kennedy was assassinated the news media, national and local to Dallas, went into overdrive about two subjects:
1. How many people hated the Kennedys and wanted to do them harm.
2. How “reckless” Kennedy was in not strictly following security protocols (a similar charge was made about his son’s adherence to aviation safety, and he happened to die in a highly mysterious plane accident just as he was about to enter political life).
Just hours before Kennedy was murdered in cold blood, this bizarre script was read in the two and a half minutes before Kennedy took the stage for a breakfast talk in Fort Worth.
Just think of how strange this is.
Who would write such a script? Who would order it to be read before a presidential appearance?
Just a few hours after this live newscast, Kennedy was assassinated by a “lone nut” just like the one described in the local Texas news feed.
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